Hip replacement for socket fracture

3D printed bone models in orthopaedic surgery New Technology makes surgery more precise and successful

X-rays and CT scan have made understanding of injured bones and joints easy. But still there are times when these images are not enough and one may need further information, especially to plan surgery.

One such technology is called "Rapid Prototyping". This is used commonly in preparing dies and for some engineering application.

For study of broken bones, especially the hip bone, this technology is very useful

Case 1

50 years old gentleman had injury to his right hip joint. His x-ray showed badly deformed hip socket and ball. This made him totally bed ridden

CT scan confirmed the deformity but I required more information to plan the surgery.
A real size 3D Printed bone model was made using digital data of CT scan using Rapid Prototyping technology

This allowed me to plan the steps of surgery by doing trial surgery on bone model

x-ray after successful surgery
Patient walking normally, both legs have equal length.

Case 2

When an acetabular fracture (hip socket fracture) occurs through a very weak bone, as in this patient, the ball of the hip joints penetrates inside the socket leaving a hole in the middle of the socket. In such a case, repair of the socket does not give very good result and hence one may have to do primary hip replacement

X-ray after injury shows how the ball has penetrated the socket on the left side
CT scan showing hole in the middle of the socket and pieces of broken socket
Final x-rays showing socket fixed to the bone with multiple screws. And hip replacement
Patient walking totally normal after healing

Case 3

Osteoporosis is common with ageing. Brittle osteoporotic bones break easily. When hip socket, the acetabular, fractures in old age, the bone is shattered into pieces that are difficult to reassemble.

Due to this, acetabular fracture with multiple fragments in old age is rarely treated with plates and screws. One prefers either immediate, or early that is after 6 weeks or delayed hip replacement

In this gentleman I decided to do hip replacement after 6 weeks. The reason for this delay was to give time to the patient to decide about the surgery, as many at this ripe age of seventy and above feel, why do surgery at this age? But once they realize the importance of independence that surgery brings, they agree for it.

x-ray before surgery
CT scan showing broken bones
x-ray after surgery